massad ayoob


Written by: Rob S.

I have taken several training classes, during which, MAG 40 was a topic of discussion.  The Massad Ayoob Group ( hosts the MAG 40 class, and although I have heard of Mas, I had not entertained taking his class.  Based on Feedback from other students, I decided to take the October class.  

When you register, in addition to the application, you are required to submit proof of a clean criminal history.  This can be done by attaching a copy of your Concealed Carry permit, Law enforcement credential, or FBI records check.  This was a first for me as other instructors only asked for my demographic information and payment. This additional step is designed to ensure students are trustworthy and reliable members of society.  I was then sent an email with a map of the area, recommended hotels, and items to bring to the class.

The course is divided between 20 hours classroom and 20 hours range.  It was held over 4 days from Wednesday through Saturday. The posted 10 hour days seemed long but we were told that this allows for students to attend the class and minimize the time you have to take off work to travel to and from the class.  

NOTE - If you take the MAG 20 Class or MAG 20 Range you are getting the same information; MAG 40 is both MAG 20 classes at one time.

We started with the Class at 8:00 on Wednesday with registration, introductions and right into the lecture.  The class lecture is a series of recorded videos by Mass, primarily from 2013. This is important as the lectures videos, tests and notes are discoverable evidence and can be presented in court.  This is helpful in educating the jury on self defense laws. Mas made a point that while a witness can be cross examined, it is hard to do so with a video. He introduces each video and answers questions afterwards.  Be prepared as most days were longer than 10 hours. During this class I took so many notes I had to purchase a second notebook and then filled that one!

The video lectures will cover:

  • Ability, Opportunity & Jeopardy

  • Color codes of awareness and the OODA Loop

  • Standards of Proof

  • Tueller Drill

  • Affirmative Defense

  • Court cases

  • How to document training so it can be used in court.

  • Selection of counsel

There is a ‘proprietary’ lecture section which Mass requested we keep it confidential.  I will honour that request but can say that the information provided was that which I have not heard from other instructors.

Once we have the range safety briefing in the classroom we head out to the range.  Mas covers the shooting activities in the class prior to heading to the range. The day is divided 5 hours lecture and 5 hours range to balance the week out.  The schedule was modified due to anticipated rain on Saturday. At the range I noticed they had a minimum of 1 (Volunteer) RSO for every two shooters on the line.

Students were divided up into two groups so only half the students are on the line at a time.  The group not shooting is expected to watch the shooting group, load magazines or hydrate (you will be constantly reminded to drink water).  

While some instructors have their favorite shooting method (weaver, Isosceles, Chapman etc.) Mass makes it clear he does not care which one you use, try them all and use the one which works best for you. You will shoot from all three positions from  standing, crouching and kneeling during class and on the shooting test.  

   They place a STRONG emphasis on safety, maintaining a full time paramedic with trauma kit and AED on the range..  The rules are simple:

Your first range safety violation results in removal from the range for the rest of the day.  

Your second violation results in expulsion.


While some instructors have flashy internet profiles and can be borderline annoying, not so with Mass, who doesn’t have a Facebook page.  Mass brings a lifetime of knowledge and experience to the class which he presents in a logical, straightforward [no BS] manner.  

This class was more than worth the price of admission and I highly recommend anyone who carries a weapon.

Items I should have brought:

  • Extra Notepad(s)

  • Pens

  • Folding Chair (there is no seating at the range)


  • Rolling Rock, Extra pale longneck bottles! (for Mass) 

Overall Costs of course

$   700 Course Cost *

$   400 hotel

$   100 meals

$   120 gas and misc travel expenses  

$1,320 TOTAL

Score: 9.50 Amazing


* Herman gave a $100 discount for early registration..